Decision America

We enjoyed and evening of music and a great message from Franklin Graham at the Decision Event in in Manchester on May 23rd.

Freedom. New Hampshire residents would say they have a lot of it.

The state takes pride in its motto “Live Free or Die” and currently stands as the second-freest state in the U.S.—only recently losing its No. 1 title. This according to the Cato Institute’s latest study of state policies and inclusiveness.

But as Franklin Graham said during his third Decision America Northeast Tour event on Thursday—ever-changing laws aren’t what make us free.

“We have to go by God’s laws; His standards,” Franklin said. “We’re blinded by the devil who deceives us. He wants to lure us into sin.”

Promises of fun, excitement and a life without limits may seem OK, “But [eventually] it leads to hopelessness.”

That hopelessness is on full display in Manchester, where drug abuse and homelessness are a growing problem.

Despite the statistics, New Hampshire’s Christians aren’t giving up. And as hundreds of people walked forward during the invitation to accept Christ Thursday night, it was clear—God is answering their prayers.